Why are Christians the world over experiencing such an identity crisis?

We are sons of God, created in the image of our Father. We have inherited all of the rights and privileges that go with His name. We are the vessels through which God multiplies Himself. We are the light of the world, just as Jesus was the light of the world. This is the very reason the enemy wages war against us by saying, "Who do you think you are that you could possibly be one with God!" If we don't know who we are, if we don't know what it means to be a son of God, then how can we possibly be a display of who God is to the world?

The enemy knows what we have. If he can steal our God-given identity by causing us to focus on our own ability to conform rather than on what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross, then Jesus will have died in vain, and we will find ourselves trying to carry burdens that are not ours to carry. Not only will that affect how we see ourselves, but it will affect how the world sees God, and that is the enemy's number one objective.

Identity Theft will give you the knowledge, through Holy Spirit-inspired revelations, that will lead you to spiritual freedom and to the powerful sense of God-given identity that is rooted in the Solid Rock-Jesus Christ.

I began to get answers that tied everything together in a powerful way, and it began to set me free! (Suzan Cartagena)

Grace was designed to deliver us from the evil things of this world. Yet, we are being held captive by a totally perverted version of grace! And it's a treadmill-we find ourselves totally frustrated because we never get where we are going!

Get off the treadmill, discover the true definition of grace and get answers to so many difficult questions:

How does one frustrate the grace of God?
What does it mean to fall from grace?
What does it mean to blaspheme the Holy Spirit?
How do you grieve the Spirit?

Grace is our God connection and our pathway to true freedom!